About Me

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Scotland, United Kingdom
I am an ambitious young woman that will do anything to keep my family happy. I will go to the extreme to keep my promises, as this aspect is vital in my own philosophies. I am not bound by gender stereotypes; it matters not whether I am a woman, for I am more of a man than many men out there. I am married to Macbeth, Thane of Glamis, a man who I give my all to. I will sacrifice my all, in order to ensure his happiness. Yet regardless of my femininity, I am a woman of power and control. I can be deceitful, manipulative and extreme, if it were necessary. My actions are not generally bounded by law and order. Overall I cannot be simply defined as one or the other, for there are many aspects that make me who I am today. I am both fair and foul, as many things in life.


My Father

A new beginning...

Dear diary,

I don’t know where to begin! I feel like my life just took a whole new turn! I am filled with mixed emotions that are coming to me all in a rush! Today, I just received the best news from Macbeth’s letter that he wrote for me! I love my dear Macbeth; he wrote to me about these “weird sisters”: “…who all-hail’d me thane of Cawdor, by which title, before, these weird sisters saluted me, and referr’d me to the coming on of time, with ‘Hail, king that shalt be!’”. Once I read that, I got hope, ambition, happiness, and ALL the feelings at once! Not only is he thane of Cawdor now, but the sisters said that later he will become King of Scotland! This title gives us power and a title above many others. The only one in the way is Duncan; we must get rid of him in order for Macbeth to be King. I have a lot in mind and I called upon spirits to get rid on my womanliness. I can’t do these horrible deeds with my sensitive qualities. I just wish Macbeth wouldn’t be such a coward. I gave him great advice, I told him to ‘Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t.’ I will help him realize what is right for him and get him there! I know his weaknesses and I will hit him in the right spot to lead him where he needs to be! I am very excited; Duncan is coming to visit us at Inverness. This is where our future begins…


Lady Macbeth

P.S. That picture represents exactly what I am feeling right now! I feel like I have the crown above my head already. I feel the power and I can’t wait until I get it.

From: http://afrocityblog.wordpress.com/2009/04/22/

By: Abiramy U.

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